Thursday, January 3, 2013

BR 1/3/13

The owner was very fortunate to be in the area to see this theft happen. It was also smart on his part to stay in the air to see where the thief was going and not make an emergency landin and possibly lose him. When he landed he called the police which was also in the sky.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

BR 12/18/12

1) i agree with manchin for a few reasons. He made a point about a military weapon. I believe there should be restrictions on them types of weapons.
2) There should be more laws on guns. if u have a severe disability u shouldn't be aloud to own one. If u have a bad criminal background u shouldn't be aloud to own .

Monday, December 17, 2012

BR 12/17/12
  • This article shows pictures and stuff about the shooting. They said the shooter was heavily armed and had no reason to do so.
  • This article says that the gunman went to the high school and was basically raised in that little town. In high school he had a phsyciatrist.
  • They say authorities investigated the crime. They questioned survivers after the shooting. They were lucky to be alive.

Friday, December 14, 2012

BR 12/14/12

This article is basically about a guy wanting to sell his last name. The highest bidder payed 45000 all because his mom is getting divorced and he dont want that name. he wants to take 10% of that money and give to charity.
  If i could change my name it would be my first name. I'll keep my last name. I would change it to clayton because it was my great grandpas name.

BR 12/13/12

If the US is becoming obese, so is the Army. They're dismissing troops and sending them home to drop a few pounds. I don't see how a person in the Army can actually gain weight. They should have to be and stay a certain weight to fight. It's probably not safe to have a fat person in the Army.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

BR 12/12/12

The Sissonville fire was a pretty crazy fire. I heard about it in Mr. Poling's class. He stopped what we were working on to show us the pictures. One of the pictures I looked at today was crazy. The highway was burnt and there was a sign that had turned white because the paint melted off of it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

BR 12/11/12

I believe the fiscal cliff will fail and definitely not help our government. The deal wont be passed by Christmas just because it takes to long to pass it. i can see it being passed by the new year.