Friday, September 28, 2012

BR 9/28/12

Randy Rockwell
Pros and cons of carrying concealed weapons on college campuses.




1.       I think they should be allowed for self-defense reasons.

2.       All girls should be allowed to have one they do not have the physical strength to fend off creeps.

3.       It’s a sense of safety.

4.       It allows people to go anywhere and not worry.

5.       Less likely to be attacked.

6.       Most people who carry a concealed weapon are law abiding citizens.

7.       It could help by keeping public shooting sprees down.

8.       The law can’t guarantee personal safety that’s another good reason.

9.       Most people won’t shoot unless they are being life threatened.

10.   It keeps the all-around safety up.



1.       The concealed weapon permit can get into the hands of the wrong person.

2.       If one person gets easily threatened then it causes a shooting.

3.       A better chance for a school shooting.

4.       The law isn’t strict enough by allowing the mentally ill to carry a weapon.

5.       There are some crazy people out there that can carry them.

6.       There aren’t requirements needed to take the concealed weapon test.

7.       People can easily be in harm’s way.

8.       There could be an accident trying to get your weapon out of its concealed case.

9.       Drinking and drugs can escalate the chance of a shooting.

10.   Already have armed security.


I honestly think that the students should be allowed because it is for self-defense and for their own safety. The law just is not strict enough and the penalty is bad enough either. Nowadays for murder you can still get only 13 years out of it. People aren’t scared to do these things because they know the isn’t a big punishment. That’s all I got to say about all this .



Thursday, September 27, 2012

Social issue letter

Dear, CNN

                The social issue I have the biggest deal with is welfare. Welfare in my opinion is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed in the US! The government is to blame for this social issue. I hate walking around and seeing all the people on welfare. It is pretty bad when there is such a thing called a welfare line.

                Welfare is pretty much where the government gives away free money. This affects a lot of people in a lot of ways. One way is that those people are just so lazy and do not work for a darn thing. Most of the people who are on welfare do not need it. They just want to lie around and do nothing.

                Another way it affects me is that you get taxed way too much so that tax money all goes to the government. The money that goes to the government goes to welfare people. There are only a few occasions to when u should be eligible to get welfare. One way is if absolutely can’t work do to and injury or illness.

                Welfares main cause is to help children and families in need. I agree with that but people take advantage of it and do not think twice about it. That is where the problem lies with welfare. To many ineligible people use something they don’t need.

                That’s what I think of this whole welfare thing I hope u take my opinion in and really know how I feel. This whole thing is a big social issue in our economy today and needs more restrictions to this policy. They should take this into consideration and really try to fix this issue.

                                                Sincerely, Randy Rockwell

BR 9/10/11

It Shouldnt be racial its politics iit should be fair and equal to no matter what race.

BR 9/19/12

I do believe this is invasion of privacy. That is a wrong thing to do and it shouldnt be exposed in public.

BR 9/27/12

I Agree with the students and teachers! As a growing boy a little lunch like what we get isnt enough to fill us up it jus makes us more hungry. They need to apply a more valuable food source if we fill up we have more energy for the afternoon classes.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

BR 9/26/12

I agree with the retired military vets.! We should want this day an age to be healthy just in case there is a ba war again. if our boys and girls arent healthy they aint gonna do much in the wars. I think this point should be hit on hard today.

BR 9/25/12

The morning after pill is one of the best things we can use today. Most couples who do that dont want there parents to know, this allows young girls to take it with parental consent. This should be aloud in schools honestly it would help stop the pregnancy rate. This should be allowed every where!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Randy Rockwell


Pole assignment

Based on your responses, YOU are a… Hard-Pressed Democrat

Along with 13% of the public

Overall, your political values are closest to those of a… Moderate Republican

Your political compass

Economic Left/Right: 0.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.41

Where You Scored On The Survey
Your answers suggest that you are a centrist. The yellow star shows generally where you fall within the centrist region of the Nolan Chart.

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 50%

Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 90%

According to your answers, the political group that agrees with you most is...

Conservatives tend to favor economic freedom, but frequently support laws to restrict personal behavior that violates "traditional values." They oppose excessive government control of business, while endorsing government action to defend morality and the traditional family structure. Conservatives usually support a strong military, oppose bureaucracy and high taxes, favor a free-market economy, and endorse strong law enforcement.


BR 9/24/12

Why does Mitt Romney care he aint payin as much as most people in this country. He should have to pay more. His tax rate is way to low

BR 9/21/12

This is a sweet thing top do. He really loves this girl and he must have done something bad for her to do this.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

BR 9/20/12

I believe this is an invasion of privacy... The girl didnt know that the cameras were in there if she woulda been aware of them this wouldnt be so bad. The ex deserves to get sued and should be able to go to jail for ir he needs to be prosecuted to the extent of his crime.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Civics lesson 9/17/12

Why is there a constitution day and what mandated it?recognizes the adoption of the U.S. constitution and those who have become U.S. citizens. The law establishing the holiday was created in 2004 with the passage of an amendment by Senator Robert Byrd to the Omnibus spending bill of 2004Could you pass the US citizenship test....find five links on the Internet and take the quizzes and post the links and your scores. - 1)  Congratulations - you got 7 out of 10 correct!  
2) Total score: 7 right, 3 wrong (70%)
3) Total score: 9 right, 1 wrong (90%)          4) 10C Total score: 7 right, 3 wrong
5) 10C Total score: 9 right, 1 wrong

civics assignment 9/17/12

Step 1:

Your teacher has assigned you a certain number of podcasts. In listening to them you

should be able to determine which nine delegates your clues indicate. As soon as you think you

have identified the delegates, check with your teacher to determine if you are correct. If you are,

then move on to the next part of the assignment. If you are not, continue listening until you found

the correct delegates.

Step 2:

Review the nine correct podcasts and complete the information required in the box

adjoining each clue. You must also choose two additional facts about your delegate.

Step 3:

Sharing your information. Your teacher will direct your group on how to share the

information you have gathered about your delegates with the class.

Constitution Day Scavenger Hunt with 60-Second Civics

Teacher Resource 3: Clue Sheet

Reproduce the chart below in word and complete it. Then separate the clues and randomly group them into

sets of nine. Distribute one set to each group.


This delegate took notes at the

Philadelphia Convention.

Name: James Madison


Age/Year of Birth: 36 /1751

Two Additional Clues: 1) was an American statesman 2) the fourth president of the U.S                   


He refused to sign the Constitution.

Name: George Mason

State: Virginia

Age/Year of Birth: 62/ 1725

Two Additional Clues: 1) was an American patriot. 2) a delegate from Virginia

This delegate was the head of the

Virginia delegation to the convention.

Name: George Washinton

State: Virginia

Age/Year of Birth: 55 / 1732

Two Additional Clues: 1) the commander-in-chief of the Continental army. 2) First president.


He practiced in law in Williamsburg.

Name: Edmund Randolph

State: Virginia

Age/Year of Birth: 34/ 1753

Two Additional Clues: 1) was an American Attorney. 2) the second Secratary of State



He studied medicine in Scotland.

Name: Samuel Dick

State: New Jersey

Age/Year of Birth: 47 /1740

Two Additional Clues: 1)  a delegate for New Jersey. 2)  an American physician


This Framer emancipated his slaves in

his will.

Name: Thomas Jefferson

State: Virginia

Age/Year of Birth: 44 /1743

Two Additional Clues: 1) was an American Founding father 2) the principal author of the Declaration Of  Independence


He was responsible for the Judiciary Act

of 1789.

Name:  William Paterson

State: New Jersey

Age/Year of Birth:44 / 1745

Two Additional Clues: 1) was a New Jersey statesman 2) Paterson went on to become one of New Jersey's first US. senators


He was the chairman of the Committee

on Style.

Name: William Samuel Johnson

State: Conneticut

Age/Year of Birth: 59 / 1727

Two Additional Clues: 1) was an early American statesman who was notable for signing the US constitution. 2)a well-known Anglican clergyman and later president of King's College


He served on the committees that draft

both the Declaration of Independence

and the Article of Confederation.

Name: Roger Sherman

State: Conneticut

Age/Year of Birth: 68 / 1721

Two Additional Clues: 1) He served as the first mayor of New Haven Conneticut 2) He was the only person to sign all four great state papers of the U.S



He studied law in Philadelphia.

Name: George Ross

State: Pennsylvania

Age/Year of Birth: 59 / 1730

Two Additional Clues: 1) He was born in New Castle Delaware 2) educated at home.


He was a roommate of James Madison

at the College of New Jersey.

Name: Gunning Bedford Jr.

State: Delaware

Age/Year of Birth: 42 / 1747

Two Additional Clues: 1) was an American lawyer and politician from Wilmington, in New Castle County, Delaware 2) He served in the Delaware General Assembly, as a Continental Congressman from Delaware


He served as the first postmaster general

of Wilmington.

Name: Benjamin Franklin

State: Pennsylvania

Age/Year of Birth: 83/ 1706

Two Additional Clues: 1) Was a scientist 2) Invented electricity


He voted against independence and did

sign the Declaration of Independence.

Name: George Read

State: Delaware

Age/Year of Birth: 53 / 1733

Two Additional Clues: 1) was an American lawyer and politician from New Castle in New Castle County, Delaware. 2) served as U.S. Senator from Delaware and Chief Justice of Delaware.


During the Revolution he served as a

lieutenant colonel in the dragoons.

Name: Henry Lee III
State: Virginia

Age/Year of Birth: 19 / 1756

Two Additional Clues: 1) an early American patriot 2) served as the Ninth Governor of Virginia


Served as one of the original trustees of

the University of Georgia at Athens.

Name: Willaim Houstoun

State: Georgia

Age/Year of Birth: 32 / 1755

Two Additional Clues: 1)was an American planter, lawyer, and statesman. 2) a member of the council under the royal government of Georgia.



BR 9/18/12

I think that there should be a point to make of this. There should be a limit of the things said about this no violence thing.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Civics activity 9/14/12

I side with Gary Johnson on most issues in the 2012 Presidential Election. 73%

BR 9-13-12

I think it was a good thing to do for the school. It was also a memory of 9/11 when the planes took out the towers. I feel we done a really good job on this .

Monday, September 10, 2012

BR 9/10/12

It is how he does things. I dont think he should be able to take the coal mines out

Friday, September 7, 2012

BR 9/6/12

BR 1 - It is a good way to know what different people think on different things. Different parties support different things honestly i dont agree with gay marriage, but if you do support it i do not wanna hear about it.
BR 2 - I believe that this is a bad ban. If they are to do this i think they should let you get a permit on them under certain standards. If you have a good background check and you have your high school diploma.
BR 3 -Its a good act and i think it should still be in effect until the government finds a better plan

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

BR 9/5/12

I think it is a good idea to fingerprint visitors that come in the prison. It gives the officers to do a background check. If the background is bad then you wouldnt come in if it was u could visit freely.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

BR 9/4/12

I would have never got 3 dollars for a tooth i would have been lucky to get a quarter.