Thursday, September 27, 2012

Social issue letter

Dear, CNN

                The social issue I have the biggest deal with is welfare. Welfare in my opinion is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed in the US! The government is to blame for this social issue. I hate walking around and seeing all the people on welfare. It is pretty bad when there is such a thing called a welfare line.

                Welfare is pretty much where the government gives away free money. This affects a lot of people in a lot of ways. One way is that those people are just so lazy and do not work for a darn thing. Most of the people who are on welfare do not need it. They just want to lie around and do nothing.

                Another way it affects me is that you get taxed way too much so that tax money all goes to the government. The money that goes to the government goes to welfare people. There are only a few occasions to when u should be eligible to get welfare. One way is if absolutely can’t work do to and injury or illness.

                Welfares main cause is to help children and families in need. I agree with that but people take advantage of it and do not think twice about it. That is where the problem lies with welfare. To many ineligible people use something they don’t need.

                That’s what I think of this whole welfare thing I hope u take my opinion in and really know how I feel. This whole thing is a big social issue in our economy today and needs more restrictions to this policy. They should take this into consideration and really try to fix this issue.

                                                Sincerely, Randy Rockwell

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