Monday, October 29, 2012

BR 10/29/12

Well the things they had talked about they made it a joke an i don't believe its right that they have been joking around the hole time. That is wrong an disrespectful

Thursday, October 25, 2012

BR 10/25/12

I trust mitt romney to tell u the truth. Obama had is four years to make a difference and he didnt do jack. He wasnt successful in anything what is the worst can happen if mitt becomes presisdent. He has some really good ideas for our nation and i believe he will make a big difference in our community around the U.S.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

BR 10/24/12

This race is a very close one. It'll be close clear down to the finish becuzz the country has an even like for the both of them. I like romney myself but i just cant go and pick who i like more.

BR 10/23/12

I believe this is a fair way to run the DMV . If u do not have an ID at the age of 18 you shouldnt be aloud to get a license .

BR 10/22/12

I believe gambling is wrong and it should be illegal. I strongly disagree with the whole gambling procedure.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

BR 9/30/12

I believe that the guns passing security is wrong because it can cause so many problems on the planes.

BR 10/18/12

Well ill just be honest with you again. I have no idea what they are talking about. I think they just need to go ahead an vote an see witch one wins an hope its not Obama! I want Mitt Romney to win it!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BR 10/16/12

1. This is a very close race between the two candidates. I honestly want Mitt Romney to win just for the simple fact that he will be better for our country. We need a big change in our economy and i think that he will do that.

2. I'm going to be voting for Mitt Romney he actually wants to keep the mines in the state. The mines is the biggest part of the WV industry we produce so much coal. The unemployment rate would go up if the mines are taken out.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Debates assignment

1960 -- Kennedy vs. Nixon: First TV debate

Kennedy Really made an impression right off. He was forceful with what he said and also stood by his points. He had a good televised look about him. He always looked in the camera made eye contact and all that stuff. Nixon didn't look like he wanted to be up there instead he didn't have any comment.

1976 -- Carter vs. Ford: No Soviet domination of Eastern Europe?
Ford really didn't do all that well with this debate. He supported his points thoroughly and that was a good thing for him. He said there wasn't or never will be a Soviet domination in eastern Europe. There was a domination over there in Europe and the us went to war over it.

1980 -- Reagan vs. Carter: 'There you go again

Reagan took control after being humorous about the governor. In my opinion the governor was no match for president Reagan.  Reagan knew what he was doing and really took control of the debate.

1980 -- Reagan vs. Carter: 'Are you better off now than you were four years ago?'

Reagan also took control in this debate. He really was forceful with what he said about the economy. He left carter speechless when he asked him if he was better now than four years ago. Reagan really won this debate.

1984 -- Mondale vs. Reagan: 'I will not exploit ... my opponent's youth and inexperience'

Reagan got a little bit confused when Mondale asked the question. But when It was asked again Reagan nailed it and really showed his experience. Mondale knew he had probably lost the debate and election.

1988 -- Dukakis vs. George H.W. Bush: 'If your wife, Kitty Dukakis, were raped and murdered?'

This debate between Dukakis vs. George H.W. Bush was mainly on the Death Penalty. George Bush asked the question what if your wife was raped and murdered? Dukakis answer was i would like to kill that person but there are laws that he has to obey cause it'll be wrong. Bush won this debate.

1988 -- Bentsen vs. Quayle: 'You're no Jack Kennedy'

Bentsen really did well in this debate. Quayle kept saying he had as much experience as jack kennedy. Bentsen capitalized on his chance and said "Your no Jack Kennedy", Bentson won that debate and really won with a bang.

BR 10/15/12

I think that there should be a huge change in school policy and curriculum. All the stress the teaches put on us just make us stressed and we can not do any good on tests.

BR 10/12/12

I think that romney put the heat on obama after this first debate. The biden and ryan are supposed to be helping out the cause for that defeat.

Friday, October 12, 2012

BR 10/11/12

This situation could be racial and could be a charge against some students. It could be an hate crime.

BR 10/10/12

I believe that obama should take it down the company asked him to in a civil manner. If he asked the company first it would be a whole new ball game. I honestly think he should take down that ad for the respect of the company.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

BR 10/9/12

I believe they shoudnt have fired that person iut was jus tellin its opinion. If they dont like what people say bout them then get over it.

Monday, October 8, 2012

BR 10/8/12

I dont care who wins or who loses i just want a president that can do wonders for our community and government.! Yeh it would be nice to go ona trip like that but that isnt gonna change the debates.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

BR 10/4/12

Mitt Romney set the tone in the first presidential debate. He was forceful more than Barrack Obama during the speeches. The first debate were missed oppurtunity for president Obama. Mitt Romneys body language played a big role in his victory over president obama in the first election.

Romney was energetic with just about every thing he said. He really dominated Obama in this first election. They strived through a 90 minute fierce debate.Obama was very defensive about everything. He slammed Romney about everything..

-Romney was the dominant canidate.                  
- Romney was the most enrgetic.                          
-Obama didnt do anything.                                   
- Obama wasnt forceful or energetic.                   
- Romney won the first debate.  

- Obama slammed romney over the medicare.
     - Obama was bashing romney   
 - Obama had a few good points.         
- Romney was made out to be the bad guy.
- Obama did fairly well in the debate.

BR 10/3/12

I believe that this is a good law. People should have to show photo identification. This proves that you are of legal age.

Honestly your name shouldnt choose your political race. You should go with the race you believe in. If u dont believe in any thing you will fall for anything.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

BR 10/2/12

In my opinion it doesn matter what his surpreme court looks like ! As long as it does a good job thats what matters the most. A court who can stand firm in what they believe and stick by it im happy with that.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Randy Rockwell





1.       It can benefit the elderly

2.       It helps the mentally challenged

3.       People with physical injury can get it.

4.       A good temporary relief

5.       Good for basic necessities

6.       It assists basic day to day needs

7.       Can provide much needed food

8.       Also medical care

9.       It redistributes wealth throughout the population.

10.   Prevents foreclosure and


1.       It gets into the hands of wrong people.

2.       People take advantage of it.

3.       People use it as a career

4.       It costs the government

5.       Is a good opportunity for fraud

6.       The wealthy people can get it.

7.       People cheat the system.

8.       Is sometimes not enough for the cost of living

9.       It can be a bad scam

10.   The government can’t control it.



I feel that welfare is wrong and should be only for the people that need it. They should have certain requirements for this. People just find a way to cheat out this system. It’s something  That is unacceptable. Welfare should be for the needy!

BR 10/1/12

This is intolerable and is not acceptable for the safety of our citizens. These screeners have to be able to pick these things up. If not there will be another 9/11 and im sure people do not wanna have to go through that again.