Thursday, October 4, 2012

BR 10/4/12

Mitt Romney set the tone in the first presidential debate. He was forceful more than Barrack Obama during the speeches. The first debate were missed oppurtunity for president Obama. Mitt Romneys body language played a big role in his victory over president obama in the first election.

Romney was energetic with just about every thing he said. He really dominated Obama in this first election. They strived through a 90 minute fierce debate.Obama was very defensive about everything. He slammed Romney about everything..

-Romney was the dominant canidate.                  
- Romney was the most enrgetic.                          
-Obama didnt do anything.                                   
- Obama wasnt forceful or energetic.                   
- Romney won the first debate.  

- Obama slammed romney over the medicare.
     - Obama was bashing romney   
 - Obama had a few good points.         
- Romney was made out to be the bad guy.
- Obama did fairly well in the debate.

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