Friday, August 31, 2012

BR 8/31/12

I think that this should be passed because it will show how old people really are. This proves that people are really of the voting age. Minorities would not be aloud to vote and it will force immigrants to get there US ID.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

BR 8/30/12

There is no doubt that hurricane isaac was powerful, but this isn't the biggest storm they have ever seen. I believe they were well prepared for this one. Some residents are flooded but this isn't anything these people can't handle. I know it has to be a relief that the hurricane has been down graded to a tropical storm.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

BR 8/29/12

If he was doing it to get money it would be wrong. If he was wanting to start all over I honestly think he should be aloud. I believe he was doin it for the money so i also believe he should be punished for it.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The federalist papers number 10

1) Who was the author?
- James Madison
2) When was the paper written?
- 1787
3)Who was the audience for this paper?
- The federalists
4) What is a faction?
- A group of citizens
5)What are some examples of factions that excist today?
- Republicans and Democrats
6)How would these two actions harm the American people if the government tried to use them on people?
- There would be constant fighting among the people of America it would be a bad idea .
7)What is the difference between a democracy and a republic?
- In a Democracy, the Majority has unlimited power over the Minority. This system of government does not provide a legal safeguard of the rights of the Individual and the Minority. It has been referred to as "Majority over Man".
In a Republic, the Majority is Limited and constrained by a written Constitution which protects the rights of the Individual and the Minority. The purpose of a Republic form of government is to control the Majority and to protect the God-given, inalienable rights and liberty of the Individual.
8)How would a republic control factions according to the author?
- He claimed that the republican form of government created by the new constitution would allow faction.

My debate with Samuel Adams

I am a federalist and samuel adams is an anti-federalists. Samuel Adams was 65 years old and i am only 32. I was born as a british subject while samual adams was born the son of a brewer. I ,being a fedralist, am for the constitution while Sam Adams is against it. Sam Adams and I are technically enemies because we believe on different things.

Alexander Hamilton Federalists

- Who are you? How old are you in 1787?- I am Alexander Hamilton an I was 32 years old in 1787.

-Are you a federalist or a anti-federalists?- I am a Federalist.

-What is your personal history up to 1787?- I was born as a british subject in 1757,  i also wrote 2 poems in my early years, and i joined washingtons army at a young age.

-What stated views would explain your actions during the constitutional convention? -
"For my own part, I sincerely esteem it [the Constitution] a system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests." (

-What is your stance during the ratifying conventions? Who supports your view point?- I am for the constitution, and Thomas jefferson supports me.

-What are your views of this new plan of government? What are the benifits or dangers?- "Let the thirteen States, bound together in a strict and indisoluble Union, concur in erecting one great american system, superior to the control of all trans-Atlantic force or influence and able to dictate the terms of the connection between the old and the new world!" It was a good thing because he supported it.

BR 8/28/12

I think the warden is wrong because he jus wanted to pray in congregation. If he was a trustee i dont see the problem with that. He has every right to pray in congregation instead of bein forced to pray in his cell.

Monday, August 27, 2012

BR 8/27/12

I think that this was not fair at all to this girl. She made it clear that she was not going to be wearing black pants to her job. This is strictly against her religion and it was not appropriate for the manager to fire her. The manager knew the circumstances before hand if he/she didn't like it they should not have hired her!

Friday, August 24, 2012

8/24/12 Notes

- The federalists were those who supported the constitution.
- James Madison is the father of the constitution
- Anti federalist were those against the constitution
- The declaration was written in 1776
- The federalist papers were written in support of the constitution
- Delaware is the first state to ratify the constitution
- New hampshire was the 9th state to ratify
                                                        -John Hancock (Massachusetts)
                                                        -Alexander Hamilton (New York)
                                                        -James Madison (Virginia)                    
                                                        -George Washington (Virginia)
                                                        -John Adams (Massachusetts)
                                                        -John Jay (New York)

                                                        -George Mason (Virginia)
                                                        -Edmund Randolph (Virginia)
                                                        -Elbridge Gerry (Massachusetts)
                                                        -Samuel Adams (Massachusetts)
                                                        -Patrick Henry (Virginia)
                                                        -Richard Henry Lee (Virginia)

BR 8/24/12

I think its a good idea to post information about the campaign on twitter. It lets people stay in touch with how everything is going throughout the race. The only thing i don't agree with is the rumors people start about different people.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

civics assignment for August 23, 2012

1. Define the Constitution… your own words in a PARAGRAPH (3-5 sentences) - The Constitution in my opinion is the head quarters of america. This is where all the decisions are made about important helpful ideas for america. This is also the centerpiece to america its what keeps it running.

2. How would your life be without the constitution ?- Honestly it would be a hectic place without the constitution it would have no rules and be a terrible place.

3. Define the following words:

Ratification- making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it

Faction- A small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, esp. in politics.

Federalism-The federal principle or system of government.

Federalist/ Antifederalist - Federalist- An advocate or supporter of federalism.... Antifederalist - Anti-Federalism is a political philosophy which opposes the concept of Federalism

Compromise- An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)- was an agreement between large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the US constitution

Checks and Balances- Counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated.

Democratic Republic- A republic in which the representatives elected by the people make and enforce laws and policies.

Delegated Powers of the Federal Government- Delegated powers are constitutional powers assigned to one government agency, but delegated to another agency with express permission.
Reserved Powers of the State Governments- A power set aside by the Constitution for the states or for the people

Separation of Powers- The separation of powers, is a model for the governance of both democratic & federative states.

Civil Liberties-  one's freedom to exercise one's rights as guaranteed under the laws of the country.

Citizenship Quiz

I did ok on this quiz, i learned a few things that I didn't know before. One of them things were that we had 3 different enemies in ww2!!!

BR 8/23/12

I think that Rick Santorum has a right to stand up and be a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. He shouldn't get criticized for that, he didn't have to put on the Greenbay Packers cheese head hat if he didn't want to. He has every right to cheer for the team he likes and not put on the hat of the team he don't like!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

BR 8/22/12

I think that president Obama will get re-elected for another term but will not go on after that. If Mitt Romney wins I think that there will be a few more changes to this country. I'm not sure if it will be better or worse but I believe that it will have a drastic effect to this country..

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

About Me

    Hey, my name is Randy Rockwell, and I am 17 soon to be 18! I was born on September 11th, 1994 in Colarado Springs, Colarado. I have four siblings 2 younger brothers a younger sister and also a older one. I started school in Petersburg, WV clear up until the first grade thats when i moved in Indiana for a year. After Indiana we moved to Belington, WV and have been here ever since!
    Some things I like to do are riding fourwheelers, hunting, fishing, and jus about everything that has to do in the woods. I love spending time with my Grandparents and family. I like helping out my Grandparents every chance i get because I know they can't do it anymore.