Friday, August 24, 2012

8/24/12 Notes

- The federalists were those who supported the constitution.
- James Madison is the father of the constitution
- Anti federalist were those against the constitution
- The declaration was written in 1776
- The federalist papers were written in support of the constitution
- Delaware is the first state to ratify the constitution
- New hampshire was the 9th state to ratify
                                                        -John Hancock (Massachusetts)
                                                        -Alexander Hamilton (New York)
                                                        -James Madison (Virginia)                    
                                                        -George Washington (Virginia)
                                                        -John Adams (Massachusetts)
                                                        -John Jay (New York)

                                                        -George Mason (Virginia)
                                                        -Edmund Randolph (Virginia)
                                                        -Elbridge Gerry (Massachusetts)
                                                        -Samuel Adams (Massachusetts)
                                                        -Patrick Henry (Virginia)
                                                        -Richard Henry Lee (Virginia)

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